lsst.sims.survey.fields - Simulation Survey Field Information


This package contains the sky field information that is used by the Operations Simulator. The fields cover the entire sky and have a field-of-view that is commensurate with the LSST camera which is ~9.5 square degrees. The field information is retrieved by use of SQL queries. Those queries can be generated using the provided construction functions. The field information can be retrieved in a number of different structures.

Getting Started

A quick example is retriving all fields as a set within a declination from -20 degrees to 0 degrees.

from lsst.sims.survey.fields import FieldsDatabase, FieldSelection
# Create the selection
fs = FieldSelection()
query = fs.select_region("Dec", -20.0, 0)
# Create the field set
fd = FieldsDatabase()
field_set = fd.get_field_set(fs.combine_queries(query))

The result is a set of tuples containing the field information.

Python Reference

lsst.sims.survey.fields Package

Module for retrieving information about the standard LSST survey fields.


Field(fid, ra, dec, gl, gb, el, eb, fov) Gather survey field information.
FieldSelection Class for constructing SQL queries on the survey fields database.
FieldsDatabase() Initialize the class.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of lsst.sims.survey.fields.field.Field, lsst.sims.survey.fields.field_selection.FieldSelection, lsst.sims.survey.fields.fields_database.FieldsDatabase