
class lsst.sims.survey.fields.Field(fid, ra, dec, gl, gb, el, eb, fov)[source]

Bases: object

Gather survey field information.


fid (int) An identifier for the field.
ra (float) The right-ascension (degrees) of the field.
dec (float) The declination (degrees) of the field.
gl (float) The galactic longitude (degrees) of the field.
gb (float) The galactic latitude (degrees) of the field.
el (float) The ecliptic longitude (degrees) of the field.
eb (float) The ecliptic latitude (degrees) of the field.
fov (float) The field-of-view (degrees) of the field.

Initialize class.


fid : int

An indentifier for the field.

ra : float

The right-ascension (degrees) for the field.

dec : float

The declination (degrees) for the field.

gl : float

The galactic longitude (degrees) for the field.

gb : float

The galactic latitude (degrees) for the field.

el : float

The ecliptic longitude (degrees) for the field.

eb : float

The ecliptic latitude (degrees) for the field.

fov : float

The field-of-view (degrees) for the field.

Attributes Summary

dec_rad float : The declination (radians) of the field.
eb_rad float : The ecliptic latitude (radians) of the field.
el_rad float : The ecliptic longitude (radians) of the field.
fov_rad float : The field-of-view (radians) of the field.
gb_rad float : The galactic latitude (radians) of the field.
gl_rad float : The galactic longitude (radians) of the field.
ra_rad float : The right-ascension (radians) of the field.

Methods Summary

from_db_row(row) Create instance from a database table row.

Attributes Documentation


float : The declination (radians) of the field.


float : The ecliptic latitude (radians) of the field.


float : The ecliptic longitude (radians) of the field.


float : The field-of-view (radians) of the field.


float : The galactic latitude (radians) of the field.


float : The galactic longitude (radians) of the field.


float : The right-ascension (radians) of the field.

Methods Documentation

classmethod from_db_row(row)[source]

Create instance from a database table row.


row : list

The database row information to create the instance from.



The instance containing the database row information.